Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Photo Shoot

Here they are... Carolyn the Mexican Model! Let´s just say that all of that is my own hair, and that I never knew I had that much of it. It isn´t crimped, exactly, it is pressed into little cubes. Each little hair looks like a waffle! It took them three hours to get me ready and four hours to shoot all of the pictures... all of this for ONE magazine spread... that´s a lotta fuse for a little bomb (as they say here)!

Anyway, I had a lot of fun. The weird thing was that I knew the guy I was modeling with. Small world, huh? I felt super awkward at some moments because he is more of an aquaintence than a friend... the good thing was that there were only two shots where we really had to be close to eachother, so the majority of the time, it was okay. (One is shown below, the other, I had to put my elbow on his shoulder.) I don´t know exactly when pictures will be published, though. The first picture shown below is the one that they are hoping to use for the cover shot. I told them this would be a bad idea, because neither of us is making eye contact! The second should just give you a general idea of what the other million and twelve look like.

That´s all folks.... I will be sure to bring a few copies of the magazine home for you all!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see the photos in the magazine! You look so bonita! Remind me to get an autographed copy before I leave Merida!
