Tuesday, January 27, 2009

My Birthday in Merida

As it turns out, most of my fellow Americans were not feeling so hot this weekend. A lot of sore throats and fevers. This being the case, we decided to forgo the distant travel and spent the weekend in Progreso, which is the beach that is closest to Merida on the Gulf of Mexico. Last year, it was famous for it´s mangy dogs, annoying tiburones, seaweed covered beach and annoying vendors... but NO MORE! More or less...

The water has its good days... when the sky is blue, the water is an amazing color of turquoise. The beach is now canine free, both pleasing and sad because you know were all those poor pooches went. They are now cleaning the seaweed off the beach, and there are all sorts of new restaurants and shops. In short... it got cute! The tourism increased so much in the past year that they have been trying to improve it. Progreso, which is home to the longest pierre in the world, brings in cruise ships chock full of Americans several times a week. The days that Americans come, prices mysteriously doubles, tiburones increase tenfold, and vendors are more annoying than ever, so I suppose it hasn´t gotten any better in that respect. The vendors are worse. I can´t remember anyone ever having been so crude or disagreeable than a few of these people are. Some of the things that were said to me made me angry enough want to whip out my store of Spanish profanities from work (it really was that bad)... but I wanted to be better than that, AND I don´t want to give them one more wrong impression about Americans. At the very meanest, I was very cold and told them to have a nice day. I can´t ever recall being insulted like that last year. Still, we passed a great weekend. It was really relaxing, which was just what I needed, since my Spanish seems to have been stressing my out lately. AND... All my life I have wanted to get a hair wrap, and I finally did in honor of me becoming an old maid yesterday.

That's right, yesterday was my birthday. The next birtday I have to look forward to is 25 when my insurance goes down and I am officially allowed to rent a car. Yippee. Also, a note to my novio: Now it seems like you are only FOUR years older than me instead of FIVE. Maybe you aren´t creepy after all ,)

Here are some of my birthday adventures: My roommate, Emily, decided to get me a birthday present and wrap it up in a page of a magazine (I THINK that´s what that was!) Anyway, it said FELIZ CUMPLE in the lazy Mexican way (they abbreviate everything). It was another elephant bracelet!!! I lost mine the week that I got home to OU last year, and I literally cried about it because I was so disappointed! MY DAY WAS MADE! Anyway, I am not wearing it right now because I am afraid it will fall off again. I am going to fix a chain to the clasp this afternoon so that even if the clasp should slip, it won´t fall off. I am going to treasure it... thank you, Emily, best birthday present EVER!

At work, they just bout gave me aheart attack by breaking out into the Mexican Happy Birthday song. We also had some yummy cake... it was supposed to be terramisu flavored... it was delish. I frolicked home to a wonderful lunch with mama and family, where a giant, sparkly piñata awaited me. Emily (once again) had snatched it on the way home from work and filled it up with Mexican candy. We still haven´t broken it because it is just too pretty. Mama also got me a pretty necklace and earrings and bought me a fudge cake. As if ths weren´t enough sugar, Fernandito (12, great grandson of my mama) brought over ice cream from El Colon, which is the gourmet ice cream shop here in town. I spent the afternoon reading emails from family...thank you all!!! At the end of the day, my fabulous novio and I had a Skype date and the internet cafe, so I rushed out the door after a quick quesadilla and went to the Italian Coffee. As it turned out, John-Curtiss had thrown me a surprise birthday party in his apartment so that I would get a chance to talk to all of my friends from back home. I drank piña colada flavored tea as they drank the real McCoy :) (John-Curtiss makes the BEST piña coladas!) I ended the night by staying up way too late for no good reason, talking with my roommate and my neighbor.

All in all... a GREAT birthday. Thank you one and all :)

And NEXT weekend, we are going to Valladolid, a growing city halfway between here and Cancun. It is famous for its cenotes, especially Cenote Dzitnup, which is inside a multicolored cavern. There will be a festival going on that weekend... supposedly the whole 9 yards. Bullfights, performances, all that jazz. On top of all that will be a trip to Coba, a ruin that I went to see several years ago... but has now been completely excavated. Cenotes plus bullfights plus ruins equals a perfect weekend.

Finally, check the Post, I published yesterday :)

Hope all of you are enjoying the chilly weather... :D

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