Friday, January 23, 2009


I hate taking the buses here, can I just say that? At first glance it seems cheap and easy. They charge 5 pesos (about 50 cents) for Adults and 3 pesos for students. This might sound cheap to you, but imagine taking a bus every day, multiple times a day. It really racks up. I will probably spend about $80 on city busing (at the least) by the time I leave, and that excludes bus fares on weekend trips.

Another of my annoyances with the city buses is their constant refusal to accept my student ID: There are a few who will grant me the discount, but several who take one look and me and scowl, as if I am trying to cheat the bus line out of two pesos. One bus driver outright yelled at me one morning when I tried to get my ID out. He wanted me to hurry up and pay him because there wasn’t time. Since WHEN are Mexicans in any rush to do ANYTHING? Life here runs at a much slower pace when compared to the United States!

My complaints continue: why is there no regular schedule for the buses?! They all start up at exactly the same time every morning, so a clump of buses passes by my house every morning around 9:10 or 9:15. If I am not ready at that moment, I have to walk all the way out 8 blocks to catch another one, and usually after I get to the bus stop, I wait for at least 10 minutes! That clump of buses is the last predictable moment for the bus lines each day. After that, it is just luck of the draw if and when you find a bus. Sometimes I will get out of work at 2, and not get home till 3. I could WALK home at that pace!

The only other means of transportation back home for me would be taxi. But taxis would charge me 50 pesos (a little less than $5) for a one way ride. How expensive is that?!?!

There are definitely moments where I miss walking… my bike… a regular bus schedule… bus drivers who give me donuts in the morning instead of yell at me… ANYTHING!

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