Monday, March 16, 2009

A Quiet Weekend...

Well, we had a really relaxing and lazy weekend, which means that there really isn´t too much to report. I think a lot of it had to do with the fact that we filled the pool, and so all that we really wanted to do was keep to ourselves and bum out. On Saturday, Mama fixed us a picnic beside the pool, which was super fun! (By the way, the tree in the side yard is an avocado tree...I WANT AN AVOCADO TREE, NO FAIR!) Saturday night was the farewell party to the students. It was a formal catered event with music and dancing and socializing, you know the routine. It was fun... and afterward, Elizabeth and I hopped into the pool (AGAIN) for a moonlight swim. Sunday was more of the same... I had a lot of fun though.

TODAY we went to the MUCH-ANTICIPATED caves of Calcetok... but seeing as it is late and I must do the caves justice... I will leave you all with this:

Vertical descent into an underworld of Mayan mystery.

What a cliff-hanger, eh?

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