Friday, March 6, 2009


I have no idea what the heck made me so sick, but I am pretty ill right now. I can't figure out where I would have eaten that would have been bad food, but in any case... I am pretty bad off. I fiinally got some antibiotics and I am hoping to feel better by tomorrow, but no lies, I feel preeeeeeeeeeettttttttttttttttttyyyyyyyyyy awful. Just the thought of eating is enough to make my stomach wince. I have been working hard all day to get some water into my system, but since dinner time, I have only finished 2/3 a bottle of gatorade (and I am trying really hard to keep it down!) Probably, I will just settle in here, start a movie, and hope I fall asleep during it. This is probably the most boring entry EVER, but I wanted you all to know why I have fallen off the face of the planet! At the very least, I am sick in a warm location... that is a plus, right?

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