Wednesday, March 11, 2009



It is a beautiful word (pronounced 'AH-ksoh' if your are American and 'OH-ksoh' if you are Mexican). What is it? Good question. Oxxos are basically gas stations here... minus the gas. It is a little quick-mart, akin to 7-11, but comparing it that way is almost a crime. Walking into the doors of Oxxo is like walking into a wonderland of Mexican junk food. You are guaranteed to spend at least a few minutes ooh-ing and aah-ing over all of the things that you want.

My Oxxo staple is the Kfreeze. They are these little slushies, and one is capuccino-flavored while the other is white... some sort of sugary, creamy, marshmellow-y something. I LOVE Kfreezes. I think I probably get one almost every day. At first, I got them like you are supposed to: mostly capuccino with the white slush on top... but I quickly gave that up after I realized how good the white by itself is. When I first walked up to the counter with a cup full of white, the guy took one look at me and said: 'You know you are supposed to mix that, right?' I just nodded and paid. I think he now thinks Americans are weird.

Now, the Kfreeze has evolved. If you put a little bit of brown on the bottom, then fill the rest of the cup with white, you can make it look as thought it is mostly brown. Plus, it gives your sugary yummyness a little bit of that coffee-ish flavor. Can you tell I have spent some time perfecting this?

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