Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Emo?... in Mexico?

In the United States, I am sure you all have noticed a trend amongst youngsters that has been dubbed 'Emo.' For all of you older readers, Emo (as in 'emotion') is a term that is used to describe the trend of dressing in black, multiple piercings, death-related garb, etc. You all know what I am talking about now, right? Emos are the guys that have a tear tattooed on their cheek and have red stripes in their hair, that sort of thing.

So why am I writing about Emos in Mexico? The Emo movement is well on its way in the US, but here in Mexico, it is JUST getting going. It is like a new way of rebelling here. While I rarely saw piercings and Emo attire last year... it is EVERYWHERE this year! Everywhere you go, teens are dressing Emo!

This movement in the US is now generally accepted, I think. Here, though, it is very controversial. How do I know this? If you step onto any given bus in this city, you will read the ongoing debate amongst those that are Emo... and those that are not. They usually run something like this:

An Emo writes: Can a heart still break if it has stopped beating? or If life is fair, why do roses have thorns?

A response: %&#$& Emo, get a life.

A response to the response: No one understands becuase people in this world turn away from their feelings.

The rebuddle: No one wants to understand, you are creepy, &%$#/ Emo.

The closing: Viva Emo! (Long live Emo)

And written next to it: Die Emos.

Each little debate varies slightly, but they are all along these lines. It is both funny to me...and a little bit sad. Here it seems that people have less freedom to express themselves. While I think being Emo is a bit extreme, I think it is sad that people can't seem to do or dress as they want here. We in the US have a lot more freedom to... wear sweatpants to class if we want or get our noses pierced without the whole world condemning us. The feminist movement is JUST getting rolling here... women in Mexico are not esteemed and respected as much as women in the United States are.

I don't know, I jus think it is interesting :)

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