Sunday, March 8, 2009

No, I Didn't Fall of the Face of the Earth

All I have to say is that Mexican illness will do a number on you. I won't go into details, but.... Imagine sick. Then multiply that by, say, 50 gajillion. That's me :) And I always have these creepy Tim Burton-esque dreams when I get sick. Just Nightmare Before Christmas, Beatlejuice kind of dreams that creep me out. Hopefully, that is done with!

The good thing is that... I AM FINALLY FEELING BETTER TODAY! I think I might be able to eat something besides gatorade and a half a piece of toast! I am soooo excited! I am going to the beach with Elizabeth, Molly, Emily and her friend Linda, who is in town visiting for spring break. Maybe my little spots will tan over! It is going to be a good day. Even if I pass out on the beach it will be a good day... as long as I wake my pathetic self up to flip myself over and tan my tummy... it's gonna be good.

Also, you may have been wondering... where are all my cartoons? If you are asking that, you are asking a good question that I often ask myself. I hope to put another one in this week, but I just feel like things here have been so crazy busy that I haven't made a lot of time for it! So this week's goal is to do two more for the last few weeks here.

I will be working for less than two weeks, and that is a really weird feeling, because I feel like I am just getting rolling. I designed a page for my trip to Calakmul that they will be publishing... I even helped write some of it! Unfortunately, I have to accomodate their style, so I don't really like it that much, haha, but OH WELL!

How is Ohio/Minnesota/Wherever you are reading this from? (HAHAH WEATHER IS PERFECT HERE nah nah nah nah nah nah!!)

1 comment:

  1. Carolina,

    Bummer that you have succumbed again to the dreaded street vendor smoothies this time, I'm sure. I'm glad to hear you could recuperate on the beach, at least. It is in the thirties here and definitely in the ugly not yet spring, but not still winter stage.

    By the way, when we were in Cabo, we got the ingredients to make limonatas like they serve at the resorts there. Lime juice, carbonated water and madrinlena jarabe natural (endulzante) which I think is just sugar syrup. YUM. So at least it tastes like summer!
