Tuesday, March 10, 2009

10 Things

So today is March 10th... wow. I guess that means my time here is drawing to a close. I have ten more days until my work is done and I move out of my house forever :( I am sad about this, but I am also excited to go back to the United States. I miss my family and friends SO much (and a certain someone who will go unnamed at this time). Because a few people have asked me, I have compiled a list of things that I miss about the United States. (Family and friends don't count!) These are in no particular order, either, because I can't decide which I miss

1. Pizza Salad. There is a shortage of good pizza here, and lettuce is not a good idea to eat, not to mention the fact that it is rather scarce.
2. Kettle Corn. Where is it?! They have every other kind here! Chile, caramel, butter, natural... everything EXCEPT the one I love most!
3. My bed. My bed at home is so comfortable and my bed here... not so much.
4. English. Enough said on that point.
5. Timliness. Americans have it! We get places quickly, do things on time, aren't late for appointments and we walk at a rate that is quicker than a few feet per hour ;)
6. Green. I bet you guys miss it too, actually, it being winter. But I am ready to see green landscape again, and I am coming back just in time!
7. School. Crazy huh? This whole experience of working and not taking any classes has made me appreciate what little time I have left at the university.
8. Clean water. It isn't that they don't have it here, because they have it in abundance... but I miss not having to check everywhere I go to make sure the water AND the ice is purified.
9. Playing outside. Here, they just don't do that sort of thing. We go and play games outside at school in the fall and spring, and I really miss that a lot.
10. Peace. I miss being able to walk down the street without the honks, whistles and cat calls! It gets really old, especially when they do it for... well, anything female.

Now, for your reading pleasure, I have also drawn up a list of things that I will miss in Mexico. Again, family does not count, because I will really miss my mama! Note the similarities and differences in these lists. I think sometimes great assets can also be a source of
great frustration... some of the things on my lists are the EXACT opposite... read on :)

1. Weekend Adventure. I love getting on a bus and wondering what the road will bring me each weekend.
2. ALL THE FOOD! Every last bit of it. Mostly I will lament the loss of fresh avocados and horchata. Those cannot be aquired in the USA.
3. My hammock. I already miss it because Miguel used it when he was sick and it is broken now, which I am super bummed about. I LOVE sleeping in that thing!
4. Spanish. It is soooooooooo pretty! And interesting. And fun, when you aren't accidentally calling people bad names.
5. The quiet. Their lifestyle here is so laid back and tranquil, and that I will miss a lot.
6. Lunchtime. Food excluded (see #2 over and over again) I will really miss that time when you get to relax, kick back and just talk for an hour or two in the middle of the day.
7. Work. My job here has been really exciting, educational and fun. I feel like I wouldn't mind hanging out and doing this till my kids kids have kids.
8. THE BEACH! Bwaaaaaaaaa! (that was me crying) I don't ever want to leave it ever ever ever!
9. Palm trees. I know it will sound stupid, but there is something about palm trees that just does my heart good to see. I really want a palm tree someday.
10. Dancing. Everyone here can and does. I am not just talking about clubs and stuff, I am talking about... if there is music at a restaurant or in a shop or in the street... people stop
and dance!

Meh, it gives you an idea anyway. Leaving is always a bittersweet thing. The good thing is that I get to stay here for spring break... six more days and no work?! I am pumped!

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