Thursday, March 12, 2009

Cancun: Smut Capital of the World

Here is the scathing editorial that I wrote to go with that cartoon. I didn't end up sending it to my publisher because I am already expressing the same opinion in the form of a picture, so I thought it seemed redundant. Did I mention that I hate Cancun?

Here it is:

I laughed out loud when I got the email from Ohio University telling students to stay away from Mexico for spring break.
FINALLY! Someone is showing some sense! What you probably don't know is that I have been living in Mexico this quarter, doing an internship abroad. I am located in the Yucatan Peninsula. For those of you who don't speak Mexican Geography, I am four hours west of Cancun. (I can almost see the light of sudden understanding dawning in your eyes as you read this.) This is my second time abroad here.
Cancun is a dangerous, no good, very bad place filled with drugs, sex and alcohal. Oh, and did I mention the idiotic Americans who come for spring break, get naked and drunk and think it is okay to show their most shameful side to the rest of the world? It is like asking for trouble. People who do that are basically saying: 'Here, check me out running naked and wasted on the beach! I am such an easy target, it is ridiculous! Come kidnap me!' They make themselves extremely vulnerable to the dangers of being in a foreign country.
Kiddnapping, prostitution, prison, death. These are the things that will await you in Cancun if you go there for spring break and behave that way, and I am not even kidding. In Mayan, Cancun means 'Snake's Den.' Anyone surprised? It is very dangerous there ALWAYS, but now things are even worse because of the drug cartels. It would be wise to stay away... or if you have already bought your tickets, GET SOUTH! Go to places like Tulum and Playa del Carmen (about an hour away, but still on the Caribbean), where the dangers are not so potent. Cancun is a time bomb waiting to go off.
Also, just an afterthought: Cancun is not Mexico. If you have gone to Cancun... I am sorry, but you might as well have not gotten that cute little stamp on your passport, because you went to a warmer, more tropical version of Las Vegas.

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