Friday, February 13, 2009

Plan B Layout

Below is a design that I did for the 200th anniversary of the magazine. I did the graphics also... hope you enjoy it. This might give you some idea of what I spend my days doing. I usually don´t have much in the way of flexibility with the design... this is probably the most Carolyn-ish design I have done thus far... ENJOY!
Also, here a cartoon I did for the Post!


  1. Hi Caroline,
    Just happened across your blog from a Yucatan Living link -- I'm a writer and interested in local press. Is Plan B Merida-based? Where could I find a copy?


  2. Plan B IS Merida-based, it comes out each Thursday with the publication of the city newspaper Diario de Yucatan! If you have any more questions, let me know!
